Bike Tour #9 = Norrköping area

Twice in one day? Yes, indeedy and what a brilliant second session it was: great weather (not as much wind as in the morning) andI was really starting to get a feel for it, feeling like the tyres may just hold out a few more times.

Was still a little careful on the brakes (wary of that as reason, silly I know) but otherwise I’m back!

Time: 0:49:59
Distance: 21.10 km
Av.: 25.3 km/h
Max: 38.2 km/h
Calories: 375.5
Total for year: 177.21 km

About Mark S. Deniz

Certainly, Mark. Here's the revised bio: Mark is a versatile individual with a deep love for language and literature. As an English teacher, writer, editor, and publisher, he has immersed himself in the world of words. Mark is the founder of Morrigan Books and the imprint Gilgamesh Press, where he nurtures and promotes literary talent. When he's not engrossed in the literary realm, Mark can be found indulging in his passion for TV and film, alongside cycling, exploring new music, and devouring books. His diverse interests and creative pursuits reflect his vibrant and dynamic approach to life. View all posts by Mark S. Deniz

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