Monthly Archives: July 2007

You will not believe what that bloody monkey is up to now!

There was never a murder in December but there may well be one in August!

I’m in ur lj dissing ur book tour

Come along and chat to us at the Conflux 4 Mini-con

and I will be up for questions and having a chat about In Bad Dreams in the upcoming:

Conflux 4 – Virtual Mini-con

Saturday 4th August 2007. The timetable is now announced and it will be morning for those in my neck of the woods, 18:00 for those in Australia and the middle of the bloody night for you in the US.

So what, it’s not an excuse, get yerselves over, cheer us on, ask us tricky questions, that kind of thing…

Why did nobody tell me?

How good My Brightest Diamond is?

You fools!


Thanks again

for the wonderful Mosaic by Woven Hand!

I write stuff me!

I had a poll last night (which several filled in thank you) and asked whether I should start new story, continue with old or go out and do other stuff.

I ignored all of you (all but one) and went out, had the worst cycle ever, nearly coming off the damn bike twice (gales are a killer, I tell you!) and then got home all miserable with no stories to show for it.

But behold today, as today I chained myself to my desk and not only wrote my new tale (how did you know it had murder in it?) but got around that niggly problem of the first story (which is also a short – I wrote wrong word in poll thing did… ) and so I could well have that done by this evening…

… that is if I don’t go out on the bike…

Me writer me, me iz teh good wiz wurds!

For those with a love of literature…

I had a few chats yesterday (being as I am the oh so sociable one these days!) and one of these chats stuck out in mind. More for the surprise contained within it than anything else.

Bit of background – I had chatted to someone earlier in the day about a collection of short stories that I had bought them. We discussed one of them, one which I liked, which the recipient said made them shake with anger due to it being so weak and they wondered what had possessed the writer to write such an awful piece of fiction.

This is not what stands out for me but rather another chat, later on that day. I was relating the earlier conversation as this person was actually the one that got me the said book. Their response was:

“But why, it’s only a story?”

and I was momentarily shocked before asking if this person had gotten angry at a story or book to the response of:

“No, bad stories don’t touch me”

I’m just curious about this as I have been known to throw books across rooms in my anger (yes more than one room at a time!) and was just wondering what others on my beloved flist thought as I thought I was in the majority but realise I could be in yet another minority…

So whaddya think, do you want to kill certain authors by ramming their atrocious works down their throats or do you just shrug and pick up the next one, hoping it’s better?

Come on, spill the beans!

It says much of what I’ve been thinking recently

Harry Potter and the Death of Reading


A poll for the sake of it

No, I’m not drinking Japanese spirits…

Now, I’ve never been one for Joni Mitchell, it has to be said but can anything be worse than an Annie Lennox cover of a Joni Mitchell song?

EDIT: Actually it can get worse, as Emmylou Harris just came on… *shudders*

Birthday Wishes!

There’s a belated one:

Happy Birthday


and a current one:

Happy Birthday


Hope your year to come is filled with much joy and writing success!

In other news me is having problems story-wise, it may be time for a poll!

Birthday Wishes!

There’s a belated one:

Happy Birthday


and a current one:

Happy Birthday


Hope your year to come is filled with much joy and writing success!

In other news me is having problems story-wise, it may be time for a poll!

Take that monkey!

Don’t even go there!

Mark Deniz and Chuckle Monkey Fight