Monthly Archives: October 2008

Am I ever going to get a word in?

I may not, we may have to just wait and see…


Maybe you need to check out THIS link…

Tough one for you all…

A film that is an intelligent comedy, and features positive childbirth in some way.

Any tips?

Or an intelligent comedy without childbirth if that’s impossible

(I’m thinking this is practically impossible but Maddoc is away for the night and I thought we could watch a film)

Friday music giveaway – you needs to be quick though!

Today’s music giveaway is two part: the first being in response to my post of yesterday and integritysinger‘s comment to that post. When talking about Lambchop’s brilliance with their Is a Woman album, I am still aware that not enough know of this brilliance and I aim to change that in a kinda Obama changing the US kinda way:

Lambchop – My Blue Wave

One of the finest songs (musically and lyrically) you are ever likely to hear.

And part two goes something like this:

A few months ago I offered a few copies of CDs I have here (as extras) and yet I never sent them and have no idea who it was who claimed what. In light of this and of a desire to clean the office a tad, I now offer quality copies of the following albums (with lovely printed backs and fronts):

Laura Veirs – Year of Meteors

Patrick Wolf – Wind in the Wires

Fleetwood Mac – Rumours Gone to the lovely lady at the back… I mean to dedbutdrmng 

Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton – Knives Don’t Have your Back

Melodious T. Monkey Lounges out in 2005 (a compilation of my favourite tunes of 2005)

Basically this is a first come/first serve basis, and all I need is a comment saying ‘it’s mine’ or some such witticism, followed by an e-mail with your address (if I don’t have it). You can also send me your address through LJ, as their message thang works fine too.

Go for it!

“What do you do when you feel like you’re living a lie”

Had a bit of a chat with the wife last night about Maddoc’s nursery schedule. You see when baby is born *taps feet* then Maddoc cannot be a full time nursery boy but has to drop his schedule to fifteen hours a week.

He was supposed to drop to that this week, as baby was supposed to be born but we agreed to keep him in full time another week, so that Etina could rest and I could get some work done. Thankfully we got much of the former but alas not much of the latter, due to me being under the weather.

I decided that he is going to start his fifteen hours from next week because, even if we haven’t had the baby by Monday, it means that daddy and Maddoc get some quality time together and I think that could be important before baby. We are going to be spending a lot of time after baby comes along too but this is an important decision for me.

This means that from next week my time is going to be extremely limited – you have been warned.

I am anxious about baby, mostly because I haven’t got any confirmation as yet in terms of how much Etina’s emotional state over the last nine months have affected baby. Mostly people want to talk about the physical and seeing as Etina is fit and exercises regularly and eats well then there is no problem there. But the mental state is a whole nother kettle of fish.

I think I may set up the account for baby’s future therapy costs. I’ve actually already been asked to do that by wedschilde for Maddoc and so why not both?

Back to some God Machine listening over the last couple of days. It seems like I am feeling guilty for nudging them off the top spot…

Oh I just listened to In Bad Dreams, anyone recognise the title? *winks*

Thoroughly enjoyed this week’s episode of Supernatural and so so understand why Jensen Ackles got the scenes he got. He really is the backbone of the show.

I should be able to take half my posts off friends only when baby is born too and that will feel good!

Right off to do some work… I think

Music stuff

I just noticed that My Brightest Diamond are now the most played artist on this here computer since I got that thang. God Machine in second place? What is the world coming too?

I’ve been a bit up and down with new stuff over recent weeks, what with having to use headphones a lot (as Etina is home now), which gets less comfortable for the ears as the hours go on and due to a bit of nostalgia playing, after trying to get into Metallica’s new one, and struggling.

Some stuff that has found its way into this little corner is:

Murder by Death: Red of Tooth and Claw – I did get this earlier in the year but have only recently realised its brilliance. I had some stuff for download here a few weeks ago I think.

Noah and the Whale: Peaceful – Now I’m not sure about this one and it does have a bit of a whimsical feel to it that I don’t really go for. However, one of the tunes features on Match of the Day (which only mylefteye in the whole of my flist watches, I think) and has held on to me for that reason. It’s cheery, it might get you bouncing around and so here it is, let me know what you think:

Noah and the Whale – 5 Years Time

Kings of Leon: Only by the Night – initial views were optimistic, it’s not keeping hold of me and I can feel it slipping away. Shame as the first track is class.

Lambchop: Oh (Ohio) – it’s growing on me but it has work to do. Basically nothing they can ever do can come up to Is a Woman, the third best album ever made, it’s just hard facts.

TV on the Radio: Dear Science – also getting there but slowly. I can’t even guess where this will be come December 31st.

Shearwater: Rook – best album cover of the year and if you are a fan of Okervill River then you need to be listening to this.

What am I missing? What have you lot got as your 2008 gems?

Just do the math(s)

An excellent post about why the US Election should go the Democrats way next month:

Economic differences between Democrat and Republican governments

Of course there are many others but this will do for now.

Thanks to ysabetwordsmith for alerting me to this.

Proof I was born to be a father

Walking to get my bike to take Maddoc to nursery this morning I notice that he seems to be walking strangely.

ME: You okay, Maddoc did you hurt yourself?

MADDOC: Okay Daddy, inte hurt (inte is Swedish for not)

So I put him on the bike and off we go.

Minutes later, arriving at nursery, I notice when taking his boots off that I have put them on the wrong feet…


With only two hours to go we can safely say that our baby will not be a Libra.

*adjusts himself to the idea of another Scorpio in the family*

If baby was born tomorrow, then he/she would come under the cusp sign and they always have so much fun – don’t they?

Caught up with both Heroes and Dexter today and even though Heroes had some fun bits it’s still all a bit meh. Dexter, on the other hand, is all kinds of excellent, and there is much to love!

Back soon, with news…

Is it my week or what?

And now I’ve just gone and bloody killed off my semagic, trying to get it to accept my blogger account as well (seeing as it said it did)!


The Even – now available in Amazon and Waterstone’s

(cross posted from morrigan_books)

T. A. Moore’s The Even, is now available at Amazon, as well as at Waterstone’s and will soon be arriving on the shelves of Forbidden Planet in Belfast too.

Blank white book w/path

You’ve really no excuse now have you?